Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You Have Two Cows: US Elections '08

Here is an abstract description of the US political landscape, courtesy of those two beloved cows...


You have two cows. Your neighbour has none and is hungry. So what?


You have two cows. Your neighbour has none and is hungry. You vote people into place who address this basic inequality. Taxes are raised here and lowered there, revenues are rearranged, until you have a cow and a bull. You hire your neighbour to milk your cow, giving him the prospect of saving up for his own cow and bull. You feel righteous.


You have two cows. You don't know that you have a neighbour who has none and is hungry. You get tax breaks from which you soon have 5000 cows, by which time your neighbour has died from hunger.

Green/Peace and Freedom Party:

You have two cows. Your neighbour has none and is hungry. You increase taxes until you have only one cow left and your neighbour got the cow you had to surrender for your tax burden.

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