Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And the fear-mongering continues...

Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) fears a possible implementation of a “Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist dictatorship” by President-elect Obama. It never ceases to amaze me how dominant the ultra-right’s obsessive-compulsiveness lets them visualise the big red dog digging in their backyards.

Obviously Clifford is not the dog that they fear - but their fear is just as infantile as the toddlers who love those books. A small amount of political education and open-mindedness would allow anyone to see how Obama is NOT even remotely tending towards Marxism. It is an entirely different cup of tea. The only Western world leader to invoke near-Gestapo-like security and surveillance is the only unelected President in American history - George W. Bush - by means of the Patriot Act.

Is the radical right genuinely this unenlightened, or are they indirectly trying to elevate the fear-mongering to mobilise mentally unstable individuals like Lee Harvey Oswald or these two skinheads? Do they not realise that the irresponsibility and the divisive consequences of their actions are inherently anti-American? (Sorry Michele Bachmann, but you opened a Pandora's box.)

1 comment:

  1. The fear mongering is never going to go away. People do not want to know the truth.

    My 'boss' sent out an email to the entire workplace several months ago, telling everyone here that Obama received billions from some village in Kenya and he was going to bring the entire village here and set them up in the middle of Central Park or some such nonsense. Due to the fact that she & I were butting heads about actual work issues, I had someone else send a rebuttal to her email. And the 3rd in command sent out an email chastising the debunker. The 'boss' never did get in trouble. Because no one wants to know the truth. The don't want to be educated.

    And that is about as anti-American as you can get.
