Monday, November 3, 2008

I feel the Brillante-love!

I started blogging just under a month ago, mainly because I was fed up with the new facebook layout. I wanted another way of keeping in touch with friends and family around the globe. I approached this nervously, as it was the first time I have written anything longer than a short blurb in a long while. I suppose it is similar to that feeling you get when you slip into a sexy negligee for the first time after losing your pregnancy chub.

It is nice to know that people out there enjoy, and even look forward to, reading what I have to say. And with that I thank Christina G. for awarding me the Brillante Weblog. It may be another one of those tagging, chain letter-like posts, but I think it is a nice way of showing others that you enjoy their blogs. Here are the rules:

1. The award may be displayed on a winners’ blog.
2. Add a link to the person from who you received the award.
3. Nominate up to 7 other blogs.
4. Add their links to your blog.
5. Send a message to each of those you awarded to tell them about the award.

Here are my choices:

  1. Melissa's Miscellany: I've known her since high school, and she is the one who introduced me to the world of blogging. I think her blog is mainly a way of keeping friends and family up-to-date, but she also posts funny videos, like this commercial featuring her cousin, once in a while.
  2. Tatiana von Tauber: Another expat blogger in Germany, whose writing and photography is nothing short of beautiful.
  3. Mama Duck: I love reading about her experiences in parenting.

Is there a jinx that comes with this award? Just as what happened to Christina, my baby is starting to fuss as I write this, so I'll leave it at those three.

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