Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"This is about the human heart"


He is still after my heart. There once was a time when given a choice between Colin Firth and anyone else, there was absolutely no question that I would have selected Firth. Now that I have started watching Olbermann's commentaries, I am not so sure.

Here is his response to the passage on Prop 8 in California - the banning of gay marriage. He is so eloquent and decisive... and that deep voice...


  1. Amen!

    Seriously, I am now officially in love. What Passion! And sadly, how true his words. I am still confused by other people's sick interest in who someone else wants to marry.

    And those bastards also want the government to not control guns? Crazy.

  2. There's something so...sexy...about a man who shows his heart on his sleeve. I think he said it all and I agree. Coincidentally, I posted this the same day he made his on-air comment:

