Tuesday, December 9, 2008


“It could have been worse.”

That is how John Thain, CEO of Merrill Lynch, defends his request for a $10 million bonus for 2008. Under his watch, the company’s stock performance burnt through billions of investors’ money. Under his watch the company needed to sell itself to Bank of America to ward off a Lehmann Brothers-like scenario. Goldman Sachs, not nearly faring as poorly as Merrill Lynch, will not pay out bonuses to senior management. And yet Thain feels he deserves the moolah because it could have been worse.

I was dumbstruck.

English has, by far, the largest vocabulary amongst the European languages. Despite that, you occasionally are at a loss of words when confronted with an outrageous situation, such as this.

I scoured my mind (and thesaurus) for a single word that encompasses the delusion that Thain must be experiencing. Initially, I thought that it was my being sick, and not a lack of words, that stopped me. Then hubby saved the day…

Realitätsfremd – German. Out of touch with reality, in the sense of being estranged from reality. Marie Antoinette-esque delusion.

I could have simply used the word delusion, but there is a marginal, yet significant, difference in meaning. Thain seems to find his success in how much more of a failure he could have been.

Sad. Very sad.


  1. Ballsy is a word I would use for this guy. Using his way of thinking, I deserve billions for continuing to breath!

    Thanks for the information, I had not read this anywhere else. I wish he would lose his job.

  2. Are those rose-colored glasses he's wearing? I think your word fits to a "T." Ah, to be rich and not accountable for anything...

  3. Mokaon siya kwarta? (Cebuano for :Does he eat money?)

    Sakim. (Tagalog for greedy.)

  4. "Thain seems to find his success in how much more of a failure he could have been."
    This made me laugh. If only we could all operate this way. Must be nice...

  5. It's not crazy those millions but those who give him the money most certainly are.
