Friday, January 15, 2010

Am I crazy?

When I stepped outside this morning to walk the kids to school, it was different. Very different. It was very green and mild.

I do not like it. I want it to get cold and very snowy again. I miss the crunch of fresh snow under your feet, the glare of the sun reflecting off of the snow, and swishing-noise of snowpants on each side of me. I want my Canadian winter back.

Am I crazy?


  1. I somehow stumbled up on your blog. I'm writing from Portland, Oregon.

    We're having an unseasonably mild winter as well.

    Liked your points on the health care issue. Sad that these points aren't raised

    I'm of South Asian descent. Don't know if this is still the case, but I read an article on the New Media website that said the health bill will exclude legal immigrants from Medicaid for 5 yrs. Seems anti-immigrant to me. I hope health care reform won't turn into something worse.

    Keep on blogging!

  2. No, not crazy! I miss the snow too. And white snow is so much less depressing than brown dead grass. That and I'm really into tobogganing and skating this winter, neither of which I can do properly at the moment. Sad face.
